Mon-Fri 9-8 | Sat-Sun 9-5

About The Relationship Place

About Us

The Relationship Place is a therapy practice, serving all Texas, specializes in the Gottman Method of relationship therapy. The goals of the Gottman Method include increasing closeness and friendship behaviors, addressing conflict productively, and building a life of shared meaning together.

Our Mission

Our therapy practice offers a place to find support, empathy, and outside-of-the-box ways of solving your problems.

We aim to break the stereotype of what therapy is supposed to be like, and what your relationship should look like.

We don’t have stuffy offices as you might find in a medical practice. Our therapy rooms are warm and cozy. You’ll feel like you’re sitting in our living room.

We don’t have impersonal therapists who can’t distinguish you and your situation from other clients. We excel in client care and will treat you as the unique person you are.

We’ll never judge you. You’ll feel relaxed and cared for by our compassionate and genuine therapists. We respect all relationship types, people with all religious beliefs and from all cultures.

About the Relationship Place

We won’t just talk about your problems. We help you develop evidence-based skills based on John Gottman’s 30 plus years of research.

Gottman is world-renowned for his extensive research and model of couples therapy.

Using the Gottman model, our work aims to transform your relationship for the better.

We aim to break the stereotype of what therapy is supposed to be like, and what your relationship should look like.

Dana McNeil, Founder

Our Therapy Philosophy

In healthy relationships, conflict, whether explicit or underneath the surface, is NORMAL

You’re not a clone of your partner, nor would you want to be. You have your own thoughts, values, and expectations.

These differences create the perfect circumstances for a storm to brew that will eventually lead to conflict.

Successful relationships are not based on how similar you are to your partner. Instead, success is determined by how well you manage your differences.

It’s not your fault that you’re having problems in your relationships – AND there is nothing wrong with you.

Effective communication skills were likely not taught or modeled for you when growing up, so you have to learn them just like most of us.

Everyone wants to be loved, and that’s why you’re here. You’re brave to seek out therapy so you can discover how to love and be loved better.

The key to solving your problems is to deepen your connection with one another and to find healthy ways of resolving your differences.

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